Now I Belive in Them…

I will not start my story with ONCE UPON A TIME….  OR LONG TIME AGO.

This story starts when i was 13 , like most of the children i didn’t believe in ghosts. So now ,i think you have got the meaning of story’s title. 

It was monday evening. My mom was cooking food in kitchen and dad had gone out for some work. I was sitting in my room with very dim light and was thinking of what i would get on my upcoming birthday. At that time i observed a person roaming in my room . I asked ,”who’s there?” . No one answered. I went to turn on the lights and when i turned the lights on, that man started to move out of my room. I didn’t recognise him.

He was having a broad body, big mustache and was wearing a white coloured waist and a blue cheak Dickey ( lungi).

I was freazed for a moment and had no idea of who was he? What should i do?  

I tought that he was a theif and decided to follow him, but when i went out of my room he was not there. I shouted ” Mom there is an intruder in our house “. She came running and asked ” why am i shouting? “. I told her that there was a man in my room and described his full appearence. After hearing everything my mom just paused for a minute​ and told me that he was my maternal uncle.

I was shocked and terrified. Why? Because my mom had only one brother, and he died before my birth.

From that day i always say,” yes, they exists“.

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Were I smile earlier as I do now,
Were petals blossomed as they are now,
Were winds talks with silence as I heard
now or the things suddenly happened so kind.

Were I was a day dreamer or night
now not decieve me alone or I sight
in everything a smiling face of her.
Is things started to be mine however;

this happened suddenly somewhere
which I wish of lasting forever,
that for I’m someone’s special
thanks for making me special.
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